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Welcome to the Look Up! Podcast.
I hope that the show resonates with you. If so, please share with your friends.

Thanks, Marc

Episode 2: Destroying Taboos with Miki Agrawal

Episode 2: Destroying Taboos with Miki Agrawal

Miki Agrawal is a force of nature . She's started not one, but three successful companies including two that created an entirely new category: Thinx and Tushy. Miki's companies start with one theme - what are we afraid to talk about that hasn't been innovated? These taboos have become Miki's opportunities.

Miki Agrawal is a force of nature. She’s started not one, but three successful companies including two that created an entirely new category: Thinx and Tushy. Miki’s companies start with one theme - what are we afraid to talk about that hasn’t been innovated? These taboos have become Miki’s opportunities. She talks about this in her new book (her second) DisruptHER.

Miki and I discuss sharing authentically, taboos, and her definition of integrity. I throw my notes out the window as we explore new subjects like the electromagnetic (EM) fog that is impacting all of our health (without our explicit understanding or permission) and what we can do about it.

Important Links:

Miki’s Website:

Tushy’s Website:

Thinx Website:

Wild Foods Website:


Generation Zapped:

Episode 3: Starting a Movement with Tommy Sobel

Episode 3: Starting a Movement with Tommy Sobel

Episode 1: The Battle for Our Attention with Andrew Murray Dunn

Episode 1: The Battle for Our Attention with Andrew Murray Dunn