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Welcome to the Look Up! Podcast.
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Thanks, Marc

Episode 10: The New Leadership Paradigm with Jesse Israel

Episode 10: The New Leadership Paradigm with Jesse Israel

Jesse Israel is a social entrepreneur, community leader, meditation teacher, and public speaker. Jesse started his career as a music industry executive when he co-founded Cantora Records. He was responsible for discovering and launching the mega success MGMT.

Jesse Israel is a social entrepreneur, community leader, meditation teacher, and public speaker. Jesse started his career as a music industry executive when he co-founded Cantora Records. He was responsible for discovering and launching the mega success MGMT.

He’s created and leads communities like the Big Quiet which gathers thousands of people at a time for group meditations in iconic locations like Madison Square Garden. He also started MediClub, a community gathering where people can practice meditation and talk about things they usually don’t have space to discuss. Mediclub has launched over 300 circle programs to date.

On this episode, Jesse and I dive into his experience with anxiety, depression and SSRIs. We discuss the “imposter syndrome” that many leaders and wellness professionals feel as we experience our own humanity. Jesse describes what it means to be a leader, the art of vulnerable sharing, and how “right” work can heal. We also talk about tribalism and some tips on how we all can start our own communities. Jesse is an inspiration for me and many others – and I hope that you gain a lot of from this conversation.

Important Links:

MGMT “Kids” -

Episode 11: Our Deepest Fear: Unity, Free Will & The Metaphysical with Aaron Rose

Episode 11: Our Deepest Fear: Unity, Free Will & The Metaphysical with Aaron Rose

Episode 9: Are We Just Luddites? with David Sax

Episode 9: Are We Just Luddites? with David Sax